When it comes to air conditioning, bigger isn’t always better. While it may seem logical to think that an oversized AC unit would cool your home more efficiently, the truth is quite the opposite. An air conditioner that’s too large for your home will create more problems than solutions, leading to inefficiency, discomfort, and costly AC repair. At Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning, we’ve seen firsthand the headaches caused by improperly sized AC systems, and we’re here to explain why bigger isn’t better when it comes to cooling your home.
Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning installation’
Why an AC That’s Too Big Is a, Well, BIG Problem!
Monday, March 10th, 20255 Great Reasons to Install a New AC Before Summer
Monday, May 20th, 2024As the scorching heat of summer approaches, ensuring your home stays cool and comfortable becomes a top priority. At Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning, we understand the importance of a reliable air conditioning system to beat the heat. If you’re contemplating whether to upgrade your current air conditioning system with a new AC installation before summer arrives, here are five compelling reasons why it might be the perfect time to make the switch.
The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Choices for AC Installation
Monday, May 22nd, 2023Did you know that your HVAC system is the biggest energy user in your home? Together, your air conditioning and heating make up about 46% of your home’s annual energy consumption. That’s almost half!
More and more homeowners want to reap the benefits of eco-friendly systems in their homes. And as the biggest consumer of energy, choosing a “green” air conditioner is a great way to not only reduce your carbon footprint but also decrease your energy usage.
If you’re in the market for a new AC system, let’s go over your options with eco-friendliness being the most important factor under consideration.
Go With a Pro: The Benefits of Professional Air Conditioner Installation
Monday, February 27th, 2023Purchasing a new air conditioning system for your home is a major investment. As homeowners, it’s only natural to want to save money. When estimating how much it’ll cost for an air conditioning installation, you might be tempted to hire an amateur to do the job. You might even be thinking that this is a possible do-it-yourself project. However, we’re here to tell you why these are bad ideas.
Air conditioners require licensed professionals with training and experience to install them properly. A well-intentioned desire to reduce expenses will definitely end up costing you more in the long run. There’s a reason why air conditioning systems require licensed and trained professionals to install them.
You spend so much on a new air conditioner. You shouldn’t do anything that would jeopardize that initial investment. By not having it installed by a professional HVAC company, you run the risk of voiding the warranty. Here are 3 benefits of professional air conditioning installation.
What Is SEER2 and Why It Impacts Your Next AC Installation
Monday, December 5th, 2022The thought of replacing an air conditioner is already a daunting one. There are many factors to consider in order to find a system that will meet your family’s needs, all while staying within your budget.
To complicate matters even further, there are new Department of Energy (DOE) regulations to consider. New energy-efficiency standards that will take effect in 2023 have impacted air conditioner manufacturers and, as a result, consumers.
If you’re considering replacing your air conditioner, learn what these new SEER2 regulations entail, and how they impact your options when it comes to your next air conditioning installation in Concord, CA.
Why You Should Replace Your Old AC Now
Monday, October 10th, 2022Do you have an aging air conditioner in place currently? When we say aging, we mean a system that is a decade old, or older. The average useful service life of a well-maintained air conditioner is about 10-15 years, and once it reaches past this point it will start to work less efficiently, have more frequent repair needs and breakdowns, and ultimately cost you more to run than it’s worth.
Still though, if your air conditioner is working “okay,” you might be tempted to put off thinking about an air conditioning installation in Orinda, CA for at least another year or two. Unfortunately, this may end up being a mistake for you financially. Why? Because of an updated mandate by the U.S. Department of Energy known as the SEER2 update. Read on to learn more about this, and what it means for AC costs and your wallet.