Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Fall Question: Time for Your Old AC to Go?

Monday, October 7th, 2024

As fall arrives and the temperatures start to drop, it’s easy to forget about your air conditioning system—especially after months of relying on it to keep your home cool. But now is actually the perfect time to reflect on how well your AC performed over the summer. If you found yourself constantly calling for AC repair, dealing with poor cooling, or noticing skyrocketing energy bills, it may be time to face the possibility that your old air conditioner needs to go.

Here are some key signs to help you decide if it’s time to schedule an AC replacement.

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Please Don’t Ignore AC Repairs, No Matter the Time of Year!

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

It’s officially fall, and cooler temperatures mean you might not rely on your AC as much. However, we urge you to resist the temptation to delay addressing any issues with your AC system, no matter the time of year. Here’s why acting promptly on AC repair, even in the fall, is essential for the longevity and efficiency of your system—and your comfort.

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AC Slowdown in Late Summer? Here’s Why That Might Be…

Monday, August 26th, 2024

As the summer heat persists, you may notice your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home as effectively as it did earlier in the season. This decline in performance often becomes apparent during the dog days of summer, when your AC has been working tirelessly for months. Even a well-maintained system can begin to show signs of strain as the season wears on. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore why your air conditioner might be slowing down and why you shouldn’t ignore these signs—even this late in the season—and act soon to get AC repair.

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Trust the Pros for Your AC Repair—Here’s Why

Monday, July 1st, 2024

In today’s digital age, a quick search on YouTube or a visit to a DIY blog can make almost any repair job look easy. The idea of rolling up your sleeves, getting to work, and saving some cash is enticing. After all, if you can change your car’s oil or paint a room, why not tackle an AC repair?

Many homeowners are driven by the following reasons to consider DIY AC repairs:

  • Cost Savings: The belief that DIY repairs can save money is a significant motivator.
  • Convenience: The ability to start the repair immediately, without waiting for a technician’s availability.
  • Satisfaction: The personal satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that comes from fixing something yourself.

While these reasons may seem valid, the reality is that AC repairs are far more complex and risky than they might initially seem.

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AC Leaking Refrigerant? Here’s Why You Need That Repaired, Fast!

Monday, June 17th, 2024

When it comes to air conditioning issues, our team of expert HVAC technicians have seen it all. Among the most common and critical problems is refrigerant leaks. If you’ve noticed your AC isn’t cooling as efficiently or you hear a hissing sound, your unit might be leaking refrigerant. This is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. Here’s why you need to get that AC repair, fast.

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No, Your AC Doesn’t Need a “Fill-Up” on Refrigerant Before Summer

Monday, May 6th, 2024

As the temperatures rise and summer approaches, you may be thinking about preparing your air conditioning system to keep your home cool and comfortable. A common question we hear is whether or not you need a “refill” of refrigerant for your AC before summer. Today, we’re here to inform you that in most cases, you do not need a refrigerant refill for your AC. Let’s take a closer look at how refrigerant works and why you typically don’t need to add more unless you need an air conditioning repair to deal with leaking refrigerant.

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Fall Repairs Are Still a Good Idea

Monday, September 11th, 2023

As fall approaches, you will be turning off your air conditioner and switching over to your heater. You may be tempted to put off AC repairs until after the new year, but we caution you against this for a few reasons. If your air conditioner is having any problems as a result of this summer season, it’s better to address those problems now than to put them off.

You can call our team any time to schedule AC repair in Concord, CA. We can complete your annual AC tune-up so that you can spend the rest of the following winter season resting easy and knowing that your air conditioner is in great shape when summer does roll around again. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of fall AC repairs. 

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How to Take Care of Your AC To Prevent Repairs

Monday, July 17th, 2023

Unexpected breakdowns of any kind can really throw a wrench in your plans. The good news is, you can prevent surprise air conditioning breakdowns simply by taking care of your unit. While professional maintenance is important, the key to taking care of your unit lies in monthly homeowner maintenance. 

When you do need Lafayette AC repair, Our team will be here to help and get your air conditioner back working again as quickly as possible with little interruption. You can keep reading to learn more about ways that you can take care of your air conditioner to make sure that you stay ahead of air conditioning repairs and even potentially prevent them altogether.

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Why Is My AC Short Cycling?

Monday, June 5th, 2023

When it comes to AC repair, there are some issues that should be addressed sooner than others. One of these issues is short cycling. Not only does short cycling result in your home never cooling down properly, but it also causes enormous wear and tear to your system.

You need to know what short cycling is in order to understand why it’s bad. Short cycling occurs when your AC turns on, runs for 5-10 minutes, then turns itself off without completing a cooling cycle. Because startup requires the most energy, this frequent startup is bad for the system.

Let’s go over 4 common reasons behind short cycling. That way, you’ll know what to expect when you call for air conditioning repair.

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What’s Causing That Annoying Noise From My AC?

Monday, April 24th, 2023

We’re well into spring and by now, you’ve probably had a chance to determine how well your air conditioner is doing so far this season. How would you rate its performance? Is it quietly and efficiently cooling your home down to your desired temperature? Or does it seem like it’s taking longer than usual?

A surefire way to tell if your AC is struggling is to give it a listen. Just like any complex piece of machinery, your AC will make noises when it’s having a hard time doing its job. Booming, hissing, screeching, and bubbling are all annoying noises you don’t want to hear from your AC. Let’s go over each one and what the possible cause is.

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