Common Mistakes Homeowners Make with AC Efficiency

May 24th, 2021

When it comes to keeping households cool in our area during the summer, it makes sense to do so as efficiently as possible, right? Do you really want to pay more than necessary to keep your home at a reasonable temperature this coming season?

We didn’t think so!

However, there are a number of mistakes that homeowners make regarding their air conditioner use. These mistakes work against them in many ways, wearing down their system faster, and causing the cooling system to work inefficiently—in other words expensively. Keep reading as we uncover some of the most common mistakes that homeowners make in regards to AC use and efficiency.

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3 Signs That Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

May 10th, 2021

Though it would be nice if it did, your air conditioning system won’t last forever.

And think about it, a vehicle with 200,000 miles on it won’t drive like a brand new car.

So if you have an aging air conditioner, chances are that the system is going to need repairs at some point, even if you haven’t already invested in repairs.

The thing is, air conditioner issues that go unmanaged can quickly have a domino effect, with one broken component leading to another, and so on. For example, the smallest refrigerant leak can keep going until your compressor has too little in it to even be able to function, and so it burns out. Unfortunately, the compressor is the most expensive part in your air conditioner, and if it fails it likely means it’s time to replace the whole entire system.

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Getting Your AC System and Home Ready for Summer

April 26th, 2021

With temperatures already warming up (with the exception of a few chilly days last week) you may have come to realize that it’s time to start thinking about whether your air conditioner is ready for summer. Or, maybe you think since your cooling system seems to be working okay, you can skip maintenance just this one year. We really want to discourage you from skipping, though!

It’s never too late to get your air conditioner maintained, and it’s never a bad idea to do so. In fact, there are a number of great benefits to having routine, professional maintenance done.

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Should You Have Rooftop Units Installed for Your Business?

April 12th, 2021

When it comes to achieving heating and cooling comfort in your commercial space, the most popular option to do so is with a packaged rooftop unit. You’re likely familiar with these even if you think you aren’t—you probably see large pieces of equipment on top of commercial and industrial buildings and don’t think much of them—but what you’re looking at is a packaged air conditioning system.

Why are these so popular? Read on as we uncover the answer to this question and more information you should know about these types of AC systems.

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Don’t Neglect These Potential End-of-Season Heating Repair Needs

March 29th, 2021

Wintertime weather is on its way out, making way for the warmer temperatures we’re used to this time of year. However, with us still using our heaters for at least a little while longer, it’s not quite time to forget about them. But, do you know if your heater will make it through the rest of the chilly nights you need it for?

Your answer to this will heavily depend on whether or not your heater needs repairs. If your heating system is struggling a bit, or if you didn’t have maintenance done last fall, then you should really schedule repairs sooner rather than later. Otherwise, you risk a breakdown now, or even next fall when you go to turn it on again. But, how do you know for sure if your heater needs repairs? Fortunately, there are some pretty clear indicators you can watch and listen for. Read on as we uncover what they are!

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What Type of Air Purifier Is Best for Your Home?

March 15th, 2021

You’ve probably heard a lot about air purifiers in this past year. With the Coronavirus, it’s become a bit of a buzzword. Air purifiers are highly effective at eliminating viruses, and while none can completely eliminate the risk of virus transmission, there have been laboratory tests done showing that some air purifiers, such as UV air purifiers, can significantly reduce the risk of COVID transmission.

And air purifiers are not just to protect against virus transmission. They also reduce allergens, which is great news for anyone in your household who suffers from allergies or asthma.

There are a variety of factors that can impact your indoor air quality, and there are also a variety of air purification options to help resolve IAQ problems. Which one is best? Well, there are a lot to sift through! There are different types of air purifiers out there, like the UV air purifier we mentioned above, or electronic and ionic air purifiers. Which is best for your home? Read on for help determining this!

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Pay Attention if Your Heater Makes Any of These Noises

March 1st, 2021

If you have a forced-air heating system like a furnace or heat pump, then there are going to be some sounds you can expect to hear. The whir of the fan a few minutes after the system starts up is one of them, for instance. In a furnace, it takes a few minutes for the furnace’s heating elements to get hot enough to provide adequate warmth to your home. Once you hear that familiar whir and the following rush of air through your vents, you feel satisfied knowing that warmth is on its way. That is, unless these sounds are accompanied by a loud and unfamiliar sound.

No matter what the noise is, anything outside of the normal operating sounds you hear every day is abnormal and deserve a call to our pos. Whether those noises seem to be coming from your vents or from the furnace system itself, they need to be investigated by a trained professional who knows what they’re looking for.

Read on as we uncover some of the most common noises we get called about, and what they might mean for your heating system.

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Would You Like a Healthier Home?

February 15th, 2021

If there’s anything that the experience our country has had with COVID-19 has taught us, it’s the importance of keeping a healthy home. While there are no products on the market that can 100% guarantee to reduce the risk of this kind of virus transmission (and we urge you to follow guidelines set forth by the CDC), there are certainly steps you can take to improve the overall health of your indoor environment.

One way to achieve a healthier home is with the installation of whole-home indoor air quality systems, and other indoor air quality solutions. Even pre-pandemic, Americans spent about 70% of their time inside their homes—don’t you want to make sure that the air you and your family are breathing is as healthy as possible? You can! With a whole-house air purifier, which is just one of the many types of IAQ products we install and service.

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Skip Furnace Maintenance? It’s Not Too Late

February 1st, 2021

We might not experience the chilly temperatures that our neighbors in the Midwest or Northeast do, but if the last couple of weeks were any indication, it does get cold relative to what we’re used to in the summer, right? As such, you need a fully functional and efficiently operating heating system to keep you warm.

Unfortunately, too many homeowners in our area take this for granted and don’t think about the upkeep necessary for their heating systems. Either that, or they think their perfectly working heater doesn’t need any kind of service. Here’s the thing, though—scheduling annual or biannual maintenance for your HVAC system prevents the majority of repair needs the system will ever need in its lifespan—up to 85% in fact!

So, if you skipped maintenance this fall, what are you waiting for? Give us a call and schedule your next tune-up. Below, we decided to dive into the “why” of this advice.

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Where Does Your Heater Rank?

January 18th, 2021

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rank the performance of your heater—1 being “I have absolutely no complaints!” and 5 being, “Uh… my heater isn’t working…”?

Hopefully, you’re closer to 1—your heater has been behaving just fine and giving you efficient, powerful heat. But what if that’s not the case? What needs to occur to get better results?

Read on as we go over what different rankings for your heater might mean and what can be done about it.

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