Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Common Cooling Efficiency Mistakes

Monday, May 25th, 2020

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable, it makes sense that you’d like to do so as efficiently as possible. After all, who wants to pay more than necessary to keep their home at a reasonable temperature during the summer?

However, there are a number of mistakes homeowners often make regarding their AC use, and it actually works against them. Many folks believe these myths because they have been told they can save money when the contrary is true. Read on as we uncover some of the most common cooling efficiency mistakes.

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Yes, You Need a Pro for Your Air Conditioner Installation

Monday, May 11th, 2020

One of the questions that many homeowners have about air conditioners is whether they can install one on their own.

Sure, if it’s a window unit or portable system!

The fact is, there are some intricate steps involved with an air conditioning installation, and if any of these steps are done incorrectly or hastily, it could lead to problems later on. Overall, AC systems are complex, and require a trained and experienced professional to manage.

We understand the sense of urgency though. If you’ve found yourself in need of a new air conditioner this time of the year—when temperatures are beginning to rise. If you’re shopping for one right now it means you need it now. But the thing is, rushing into a purchase like this can leave you sacrificing your comfort and cooling performance. Read on as we uncover a few reasons you need a professional for your installation.

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Prepping Your Air Conditioner for Warmer Weather

Monday, April 13th, 2020

No matter the time of year or what’s going on in the world, you deserve to be comfortable in your home. A big contributor to that comfort is your HVAC system. Is your air conditioner in good shape?

This is the time of year we recommend a spring tune-up for your system! Just like maintenance for your vehicle, routine air conditioning maintenance is essential to the performance of the cooling system, and important to preventing huge repair needs. Read on to learn more!

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