Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

AC Slowdown in Late Summer? Here’s Why That Might Be…

Monday, August 26th, 2024

As the summer heat persists, you may notice your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home as effectively as it did earlier in the season. This decline in performance often becomes apparent during the dog days of summer, when your AC has been working tirelessly for months. Even a well-maintained system can begin to show signs of strain as the season wears on. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore why your air conditioner might be slowing down and why you shouldn’t ignore these signs—even this late in the season—and act soon to get AC repair.

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Late Summer Is Still Better Than Never for AC Maintenance

Monday, August 12th, 2024

As summer begins to wind down, many homeowners might think they’ve missed their chance for air conditioning maintenance. At Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning, we’re here to remind you that there’s no expiration date for maintaining your AC system. While spring is often considered the ideal time for this essential task, it’s far better to perform maintenance late in the summer than to skip it entirely. Here’s why late summer AC maintenance is crucial and how our Star Performance Membership can make it even more rewarding.

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Reasons You May Need to Schedule Duct Replacement

Monday, July 15th, 2024

As an experienced HVAC contractor, Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning has seen the significant impact that ductwork issues can have on your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Your HVAC system relies on a network of ducts to distribute air throughout your home, but over time, these ducts can develop problems that make duct replacement in Walnut Creek necessary. Understanding why duct replacement might be necessary can help you make informed decisions about maintaining your home’s heating and cooling systems.

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Trust the Pros for Your AC Repair—Here’s Why

Monday, July 1st, 2024

In today’s digital age, a quick search on YouTube or a visit to a DIY blog can make almost any repair job look easy. The idea of rolling up your sleeves, getting to work, and saving some cash is enticing. After all, if you can change your car’s oil or paint a room, why not tackle an AC repair?

Many homeowners are driven by the following reasons to consider DIY AC repairs:

  • Cost Savings: The belief that DIY repairs can save money is a significant motivator.
  • Convenience: The ability to start the repair immediately, without waiting for a technician’s availability.
  • Satisfaction: The personal satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that comes from fixing something yourself.

While these reasons may seem valid, the reality is that AC repairs are far more complex and risky than they might initially seem.

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AC Leaking Refrigerant? Here’s Why You Need That Repaired, Fast!

Monday, June 17th, 2024

When it comes to air conditioning issues, our team of expert HVAC technicians have seen it all. Among the most common and critical problems is refrigerant leaks. If you’ve noticed your AC isn’t cooling as efficiently or you hear a hissing sound, your unit might be leaking refrigerant. This is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. Here’s why you need to get that AC repair, fast.

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What Happens When Your AC’s Coils Get Dirty

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

As summer temperatures rise, your air conditioning becomes an essential part of your home, providing cool and comfortable indoor air. However, many homeowners overlook one crucial aspect of AC maintenance: keeping the refrigerant coils clean. At Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning, we’ve seen the consequences of neglecting this simple task. Let’s dive into what happens when your AC’s coils get dirty and how you can prevent these issues from happening.

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5 Great Reasons to Install a New AC Before Summer

Monday, May 20th, 2024

As the scorching heat of summer approaches, ensuring your home stays cool and comfortable becomes a top priority. At Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning, we understand the importance of a reliable air conditioning system to beat the heat. If you’re contemplating whether to upgrade your current air conditioning system with a new AC installation before summer arrives, here are five compelling reasons why it might be the perfect time to make the switch.

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No, Your AC Doesn’t Need a “Fill-Up” on Refrigerant Before Summer

Monday, May 6th, 2024

As the temperatures rise and summer approaches, you may be thinking about preparing your air conditioning system to keep your home cool and comfortable. A common question we hear is whether or not you need a “refill” of refrigerant for your AC before summer. Today, we’re here to inform you that in most cases, you do not need a refrigerant refill for your AC. Let’s take a closer look at how refrigerant works and why you typically don’t need to add more unless you need an air conditioning repair to deal with leaking refrigerant.

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What Are My Choices for a New AC?

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

If your air conditioner has been underperforming or you’re considering making an upgrade, you might be wondering about your options. At Hometown Heating & Cooling, we understand the importance of making an informed decision tailored to your needs. In this guide, we’ll explore several air conditioning choices available to homeowners, from standard central AC units to innovative ductless mini-split systems.

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Schedule Your Spring AC Maintenance Today!

Monday, April 8th, 2024

Spring is upon us, and it’s time to ensure your home remains an oasis of cool comfort amidst the rising temperatures. At Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning, we understand the pivotal role your air conditioning system plays in maintaining your indoor sanctuary. That’s why we’re extending an invitation for you to join our Star Performance Member Maintenance Plan—your gateway to unmatched comfort and savings.

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