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How to Tell If Your Air Conditioner Needs Professional Service


Air conditioning repair is one of those services that no homeowner should ever put off. We understand the temptation to put it off. After all, if your system still seems operational–despite maybe a glitch or two–and you really don’t want to budget for repairs right now, why bother?

Consider this: By ignoring your AC repair needs, you risk the cooling system completely breaking down right when you need it the most–the hottest part of summer.

We encourage all Concord area homeowners to take care of their air conditioners as soon as they notice they need a repair. But… how do you know when you need a repair? You are not an AC expert, that’s our job! You can know the basics though, and that’s what we’re here to provide. Read on to learn the top signs that you need air conditioning repair.

Your Air Conditioner Isn’t Keeping You Cool

You might think this is a pretty obvious sign of an air conditioner in disrepair, but many homeowners actually tend to brush this off, chalking it up to being “not that bad.” If it still provides some cool air, that’s fine, right?

Maybe temperatures rise and you believe that your AC system is just struggling with high temperatures. But unless it’s in the triple digits outside and you have your thermostat set at 70°F, this really shouldn’t happen.

If your air conditioner isn’t keeping you as cool as it used to, it’s time to call us.

Your Energy Bills Are Higher Than Average

Nobody really likes getting their utility bills each month, let alone paying them. But, don’t ignore the number and just blindly pay the bill. Pay attention to how high the costs are compared to last year.

If they’re dramatically higher despite nothing in your household changing much, then it’s a sign that something isn’t working as efficiently as it could. Your HVAC systems account for about half of all your home’s energy use, so an air conditioner in disrepair can certainly be the culprit!

The System Is Cycling On and Off Rapidly

This is what’s known as short-cycling, when your air conditioner (or heating system) cycles on, runs for a very brief time (less than 15 minutes), then cycles right back off, unable to even complete a full cooling cycle. But then, it turns back on again just a few minutes later!

It’s an aggravating problem really, as the heat inside your living space will just keep signaling your thermostat to turn the AC on. Not only is this a symptom of an already existing problem with your air conditioner, it can cause further issues as it exacerbates AC wear and tear.

Your Air Conditioner Is Making Weird Noises

Nobody knows better than you and the other members of your household about the everyday noises that your air conditioner makes. If anything happens noise-wise outside of those typical sounds, then it’s probably time to give us a call.

These sounds can include banging, indicating loose parts, or even hissing, which can be the sign of a refrigerant leak.

When you need quality, reliable air conditioning repair in Concord, CA, then you need to contact Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning!

Your Comfort Is Our Business.

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