Fall is officially here! It’s time to turn off our air conditioners and not worry about them until next spring, right?!
Well, not quite. Temperatures don’t always agree with whatever season it happens to be at the time. Still though, there’s no arguing that in the next several weeks, we will be able to use our air conditioners a lot less. So, that means you can wait on any repair needs that have cropped up, right?
No! At least, we don’t recommend it. The longer you wait to address an air conditioner in disrepair, the higher chance there is that you’ll experience severe HVAC problems. This is particularly true if your AC system shares ductwork with the furnace or if you’re using a heat pump, since that means your heating efficacy can be impacted too.
Even though it’s late in the cooling system, it’s a good idea to watch for the signs of AC problems we’ve listed below, and give our team a call if you notice any of them.
You’re Having Trouble Staying Cool
One thing many homeowners don’t realize about their air conditioners is that it will struggle to cool a living space down any lower than 20°F below what it is outdoors. Sure, with that recent heatwave we had you probably found it was hard to stay cool, even using your air conditioner.
However, temperatures have mellowed out in the last few weeks. So if you’ve still had trouble staying cool despite regular AC use, it’s a sign that something is amiss with that air conditioner. After all, air conditioners are designed to handle the heat!
Your Utility Bills Have Skyrocketed
Have you found yourself dreading getting your energy bill each month this summer, due to consistent air conditioner use? Cooling is not the only requirement of your air conditioner–it should be able to provide cooling without costing you an arm and a leg to do so.
If your utility bills are drastically higher than they were this same time last year, or higher than what your neighbors are paying, then it’s time to look at how efficiently you’re using your air conditioner. If inefficiency is a problem, it’s not your fault! But it is a good idea to call for an inspection and potential repairs ASAP.
Your AC Is Short-Cycling
This is the name given to the process where a cooling system shuts off and turns on rapidly, never actually completing a full cooling cycle. It’s both the symptom of a problem and the cause of more problems, unfortunately.
If your air conditioner is brand new and you’ve always noticed it short-cycling, then this means the system is too large for your home and needs to be replaced. If you want it to actually work efficiently and last the 10-15 years that a well-maintained air conditioner is designed to last, it should be replaced accordingly.
You Hear Strange Noises
Sure, no air conditioner is going to be completely silent. However, if you hear anything unusual you’ve never heard before coming from your cooling system, it’s definitely a sign that something is wrong! It’s best not to neglect any noise you think is abnormal.
Contact Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning for quality Concord, CA air conditioning services.